Written by George S. Elrick. No artist listed. Published by Whitman, as part of their Big Little Book series, in 1969 — and countless times after that.
This didn't show up till the TV show was long gone. But since
Batman was in syndication by the time I freaked out over it,
The Cheetah Caper was very much a part of my whole Gotham City experience.
(Batman And Robin In) The Cheetah Caper, a lot of peanut butter is being swiped around Gotham City, and it's up to the Dynamic Duo to figure out who's responsible. It's kinda stupid, really. But it's kinda great, too.
The author, George S. Elrick, wrote many of the Big Little Books that I loved as a kid: Bonanza (
The Bubble Gum Kid),
The Lone Ranger Outwits Crazy Cougar, Major Matt Mason (
Moon Mission) and whatever that
Man From UNCLE one was called.