"Batman, like Robin and Superman were the first WGSH figures produced and never left the assortment. Batman also has the distinction of being one of the few figures to make it into every Mego Superhero line, no matter the format, Mego put a Batman into the mix.
One of the more fondly remembered features of the Mego Batman figure are the "oven mitt" style gloves that the early WGSH characters had. The "oven mitt' gloves had a relatively short tenure at Mego, by 1974 the Green Arrow had painted hands with a cloth cuff. In 1975, characters like Iron Man began appearing with a solid plastic glove. Despite the fact that the company kept improving the gloves, Mego never thought to go back and fix the oven mitts from previous releases. "If it ain't broke don't fix it", seems to be the motto here.
The character of Batman has always been appealing to toy manufacturers because of the many vehicles and gadgets the character uses. Mego was quick to exploit Batman with many Bat related playsets and vehicles.
The character, still made popular by afternoon reruns of it's 60's smash TV Series, was a standout seller for Mego. The early figures had a removable cowl that allowed children to go from Batman to his alter ego Bruce Wayne."
- From The Mego Museum
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