Saturday, April 18, 2009

Riddle me this.

What the hell's going on in this picture?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bat-A-Rang Face

It's a shame that you have to look so silly while employing such a cool device...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Greetings from North Carolina.

Home of the Bat Cave.

Kinda makes you wonder where Gotham City's at, don't it?

And if The Jokermobile was ever cruising down I-40, guess the whole "secret lair" thing would be done.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Idle Time

"Design Your Own Keds."

Someone actually did this.

Instead of curing cancer.

Or helping get the BATMAN TV Series released on DVD...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

From The Patent Office To The Batcave.

Behold U.S. Patent #205,998 (dated October 18, 1966), also known as the Batmobile.

And below, a sketch from George Barris' studio a year earlier.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Old Cool Stuff

Apparently, there's this guy named John Azarian who has the largest collection of 1960's television memorabilia on the planet. Not only does he have the costumes, props, etc... from "Batman", he also has tons of stuff from "Lost In Space" (including a Robby the Robot section), "Wonderwoman" (Lynda Carter's costume), and "Star Trek" (all the costumes from "Mirror Mirror").

His "Batman" collection is impressive - Batman and Robin's costumes, Bruce Wayne's suit, Batgirl's costume, The Riddler's costume and the Gotham City Police Headquarters plaque just to name a few pieces.

He doesn't accept visitors, though.

He should take a tip from the late, great, Forry Ackerman, yo.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egghead

It's Easter, I couldn't resist. Vincent Price as Egghead.

Holy Resurrection!

This being Easter and all, we present a resurrection of a different sort: The New Adventures Of Batman.

Produced by Filmation and debuting on CBS in February 1977, we're treated to Adam West and Burt Ward returning to voice the Dynamic Duo.

But only for 16 episodes.

Divine, to be sure, even though things get a little weird with this show. You see, Batman and Robin were also appearing in The Challenge Of The Superfriends, which Hannah-Barbera were cranking out for another network at the same time. So, because of rights issues, The Riddler and The Scarecrow don't appear on The New Adventures, but The Joker is never seen on Superfriends. However, Batmite (this annoying little thing from the planet Ergo, who first appeared in the comics of the late Fifties) is thrown in for good measure.

By May, the show was done. And the truth of the matter is, it probably needed to be. After just 16 episodes, Adam West and Burt Ward hung up their capes again. And the Batcave went dark(er).

Lucky for us, you can get The New Adventures Of Batman on DVD, a small consolation (along with the 1966 feature) for the live-action show still reposing in some sorta lawyer-fueled limbo, waiting for its resurrection.